How To Get A Loved One Into Rehab

Convincing someone that they need professional help for substance abuse is challenging on many levels. How to get someone into rehab starts with knowledge. Knowing all the signs and symptoms of substance abuse before staging an intervention or asking a loved one to seek addiction help is essential.

Sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish one’s moods or behaviors from signs of substance abuse disorder (SUD).  For instance, a teenager who sleeps a lot or prefers to be left alone may actually be signs of addiction. Additionally, someone who needs help may be unaware they have a problem or refuse treatment.

The Signs & Symptoms of Substance Use Disorder

Addiction is a medical condition that can happen to anyone. It is not the result of a lack of willpower or morals. Whether a disorder starts with experimental, recreational, or prescription drugs, once addiction gets a choke hold on someone, it’s tough for them to quit. Learning the signs and symptoms of addiction can help one to understand how to get a family member into rehab, to help them recover safely.

When a dependency on the drug to feel normal takes over, and the following signs and symptoms of a disorder are evident, it’s time to seek professional help. Common signs of SUD include: 

  • The urge to use the drug regularly
  • Intense drug cravings
  • Needing more of the drug to achieve the desired effect
  • Maintaining a steady supply of the drug
  • Spending more than one can afford on the drug
  • Missing obligations related to work, school, or family
  • Continuing to use the drug, even though it’s causing personal or psychological problems
  • Engaging in illegal or risky behaviors to get the drug
  • Driving or engaging in other risky activities while under the influence of the drug
  • Failing in attempts to stop using
  • Experiencing intense withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop using

Other signs of a developing substance abuse addiction include:

  • Problems at school or work, including more frequent absences, a sudden disinterest in school or work-related activities or work, and significant drops in grades or work performance
  • Physical health issues, like a frequent lack of energy and motivation for weight loss or weight gain
  • Neglected appearance, like wearing the same outfit day after day, lack of hygiene
  • Changes in behavior, like being secretive about going out with friends or drastic changes in friend groups
  • Money issues, like requests for money without an explanation, stealing from family members

The risk of getting addicted to alcohol or drugs varies according to several factors. These include one’s genetic makeup, environment, the possibility of a co-occurring mental health disorder, and the drug itself.

A woman wondering how to get a loved one into rehab.

The Consequences of SUD

As people often say in recovery, things get worse before they get better. Most people battling SUD struggle with psychological symptoms such as depression and crazy mood springs. They’re more likely to engage in risky behavior, such as driving while intoxicated or committing crimes to get more drugs. 

Additionally, a substance use disorder has severe physical effects, ranging from brain, kidney, or liver damage to rotting teeth. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, just one instance of alcohol or drug abuse can have negative consequences, including (but not limited to): 

  • Immediate consequences. Substance abuse can have immediate, direct implications for health, ranging from effects on heart rate and regulation of body temperature to psychotic episodes, overdose, and death.
  • Indirect consequences. These are consequences related to the risky behaviors that often accompany substance abuse. Because alcohol and drugs can impair judgment, risky behaviors like driving under the influence (DUI), unprotected sex, or syringe sharing can easily follow.
  • Long-term health effects. Heavy drinking can lead to hypertension, liver disease, and cancer. Regular marijuana use is associated with chronic bronchitis. The long-term use of stimulants like cocaine can lead to heart disease.
  • Long-term societal consequences. These can include reduced productivity at work or school, higher healthcare costs, unintended pregnancy, the spread of infectious disease, drug-related crime, interpersonal and domestic violence, and many other effects on families, communities, the economy, and society.

A New Day Begins with Tennessee Valley Recovery

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How to Convince a Loved One to Go to Rehab

Getting a loved one into rehab can be extremely difficult but not impossible. Knowing how to convince someone to go to rehab may be tricky, but could ultimately save their life. It requires compassion, strategy, and preparation. Here are some tips on how to get someone into rehab. 

Do They Want To Go? 

Determining whether a loved one recognizes that they have a problem is crucial. If they are open to rehab, it’s time to help them choose the treatment facility to fit their needs. 

Have A Plan

A drug or alcohol intervention is the most effective way to get a loved one into rehab. However, this requires a plan. A solid intervention plan includes the loved one’s closest family and friends.

Interventions frequently include a licensed drug counselor or intervention professional, also known as an interventionist. Intervention may be necessary if the person denies a problem or refuses to get help. Inviting an interventionist to help make the process smoother and more successful. 

Planning what to say before approaching a loved one about substance abuse is also a good idea. Write down what to say in advance. 

Once a loved one agrees to go into rehab, have a plan in place to take them directly to a facility. 

Learn the Most Effective Treatment Options

Everyone’s recovery journey is unique. The safety, comfort, and best recovery prognosis of your loved one are vital when choosing a rehab facility. Over the past few decades, addiction treatment has grown more comprehensive, compassionate, and effective. Before getting someone into rehab, everyone involved should familiarize themselves with the different addiction treatments available.

Discuss Options with a Professional

While working on how to get a loved one into rehab, it will alleviate a lot of stress to lay out all the necessary resources, finances, and logistics, such as packing and transportation. The team here at Tennessee Valley Recovery can help.

Now is also the time to contact insurance companies and review options. Most insurance plans cover addiction treatment. Address all copays and deductibles in advance.

The team here at Tennessee Valley Recovery can help with all of these important details and will guide you through the process. 

Lots of Love and Support

Overcoming SUD is one of the hardest things a person can go through – both physically and emotionally. It is crucial to let the loved one know they are not alone and should never feel ashamed. A solid support system is essential to the success of any recovery journey.

A husband talks to wife about how to get a loved one into rehab.

Learn How to Get a Loved One Into Rehab With Tennessee Valley Recovery

If you have concerns about a loved one’s substance abuse, Tennessee Valley Recovery in Knoxville is here for you. Our staff is intimately familiar with addiction on every level. We can offer your loved one the best shot at lasting recovery and lifelong wellness. 

It’s crucial to get help for your loved one now before an overdose or tragedy occurs. Contact us today for more information.

A New Day Begins with Tennessee Valley Recovery

It is time to put your health and wellbeing first. Call us right now to learn more about how we can help you put a stop to your active addiction and begin living a life of recovery.

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